9 Dementia Care Activities During Social Distancing

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

If you’re a caregiver to someone with a form of dementia, you may already be struggling with feelings of isolation. Now that it’s recommended that we “social distance” for the health of ourselves and our aging loved ones, dementia caregivers may be left wondering what they can do to make sure their loved one’s minds are engaged and entertained.

“Boredom can exacerbate dementia symptoms and may cause seniors to act out in inappropriate ways,” says Michelle Pelham, Executive Director at Bridges® by EPOCH at Nashua, a memory care assisted living community in Nashua, NH. “That’s why it’s so important to make sure seniors with dementia have mentally stimulating activities that will help them use and maintain their existing abilities, give them a sense of satisfaction and keep them fulfilled and happy.”

A lot of times, these activities can take the form of going to an adult day care, going to familiar places and the like. So, what is a caregiver to do when they and their loved one is still stuck at home? Michelle says it requires a little additional planning and thought, but there remain plenty of dementia-friendly activities to engage your loved one.

“There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to planning dementia-friendly activities,” she says. “What works for one individual may not work at all for another. You’ll need to take what you know about your loved one and plan appropriate activities for their skills, abilities and interests.”

Michelle reminds caregivers to be flexible, to be creative and, above all, be patient. “We know you have a big job, and social distancing isn’t helping to make your life easier,” she says. “However, this won’t be forever, and you may find that this is a great opportunity for you and your loved one to spend time together and create meaningful memories.”

In addition to the ideas below, you’re invited to join Bridges® by EPOCH for a monthly virtual Memory Café that features themed trivia and music. Caregivers and their loved ones with memory loss are invited to log into Zoom for a fun, interactive session featuring the unique, dementia-friendly iN2L technology. For login details, contact our Senior Advisor who can assist with the registration process.

Now let’s create a summer filled with fun and meaning!


Go on a trip down memory lane.

While your loved one may not remember recent events, they can very often remember moments and memories from their distant past with amazing clarity. Gather some old scrapbooks (bonus points if they contain snapshots of summer vacations) and reminisce about them with your loved one. Share the memories that you remember from those times, and you may be surprised at what your stories spur in your loved one’s brain.


Watch old movies.

What’s your loved one’s favorite movie or TV show from their childhood? Pop some popcorn, grab a few sweet treats and sit down for a movie marathon. This is a great thing to do during a sweltering hot day when going outside just sounds icky – or it can be a super-fun event any time.


Engage the senses.

There are lots of sights and sounds during the summer months, so take advantage of the colors, animals and everything else that’s going on – right in your backyard. Sitting together and observing what’s happening outside is a great way for you and your loved one to engage together. Put up a bird feeder and see what visitors show up.


Make favorite summer treats.

Ice-cold lemonade, ice cream, grilled hot dogs, s’mores – summer foods are delicious and carry some of our favorite memories. Tantalize your loved one’s taste buds by creating a favorite dessert or summertime food together.


Find purposeful activities.

It seems like there’s always something that needs to be done around the house. This is the perfect time to tackle it – and your loved one will be an excellent helper. Find tasks that have a clear purpose, like sorting silverware, folding napkins, sweeping the floor or weeding the flowerbeds. These types of activities help people with dementia feel useful and fulfilled and are a great way to build up their self-esteem and show them they are valued.


Connect with friends and family.

Since we’re all stuck at home, it’s a great time to make phone or video calls to catch up with family members and friends. Set up a time to chat with people you care about – chances are, they’re bored and would like to connect with others as well. Video chats are usually best for someone with dementia because it allows them to connect the voice with a person.


Have a dance party.

Dancing is a fun activity and also helps you reach your daily dose of exercise. Pull up a playlist of summertime songs and hold a rockin’ party in your living room, kitchen or wherever you may be. Choose songs from your loved one’s childhood to help spark some awesome memories.


Take a virtual trip.

There has been a boom in virtual “trips” ever since COVID-19 caused us to eschew traditional vacations. Now, you can visit museums and sites around the world … without even having to leave your home. Visit the Musée d’Orsay or the Vatican Museum, watch the animals play on a livestream of the San Diego Zoo or Monterey Bay Aquarium, or simply look up sites that you’re interested in on Google Earth. Search for “virtual tours” and anything you’re interested in, pick a few sites and enjoy a break from the norm.


Don’t forget to laugh.

Remember, laughter is the best medicine and is a wonderful tool at this time. Pull up kitten videos on YouTube. Tell each other jokes. Turn on a favorite funny TV show. Whatever you do, make time to laugh each day – you’ll feel so much better!


A Fulfilling Lifestyle

Bridges® by EPOCH at Nashua provides expert memory care within an assisted living environment that is comfortable, positive and engaging. Exclusively dedicated to caring for those with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, our community offers a wellness-focused lifestyle that promotes dignity, independence and fulfilment in daily life.


Dedicated Memory Care

Our programs, care and services are all designed to celebrate our residents’ lives and support each resident’s individual strengths and abilities. No matter what stage of memory loss a resident may be experiencing, our memory care professionals work to maximize their independence in a secure, calm environment – making a truly positive impact on the lives of our residents every day.


Stunning, Purpose-Built Design

Featuring a stunning, purposeful design, Bridges® by EPOCH at Nashua is so much more than a beautiful place to live . . . It’s a community focused on enriching the lives of our residents and helping their families enjoy meaningful relationships with them. Our evidence-based design features, including soft paint colors, directional cues, aromatherapy and interactive life stations, provide a soothing and easy-to-navigate environment.


Contact us today to learn more.

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